
Yahoo! Avatars

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

11.5 Things. Thing #1

This video definitely points learning, the library and the classroom towards the future. The library will become a virtual library where much of the learning and research will be through electronic resources. What this video proposes is that the teacher will become the facilitator of the process of learning and the student will be much more involved in the learning than in the past. It suggests that the teacher will do less lecture and let the student authentically learn the material through the many resources created through the advancement of technology. Not only will the student be able to take advantage of the many databases, RSS feeds and Internet searches to find the material, he will also be able to share the material for others in many ways. He could blog an opinion, post web links on Delicious, create a Wiki, etc. I see students of the near future finding a wealth of information at their fingertips after future students post all of their sharing. I definitely see the librarian taking the role of the teacher in the video. The librarian is perfectly poised as the information specialist in the school. The librarian can help set up the students for success in their information searches.

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