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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Thing #18

Google Docs is a novel concept. I can create office documents as I would on my own computer and have them open for sharing and editing with those that need to have access to them. It can just be an information sharing forum or a document building forum. Nobody needs to have access to my computer and needless tedious communication can be minimized. I can also keep folders on my computer to a minimum. I still would like to have a home office suite to do personal documents however. Our group in class that I am a part of is already using this to facilitate our final project. Whoopie!

1 comment:

VWB said...

I agree with you on the point about the suite of products...I am seeing the benefits of google docs in no uncertain terms...BUT I guess I am worried about the "professional look" for some things, but probably more along the lines of letting is a hard thing for me to switch when something is working perfectly...but with time, I guess I will see!